Beginner’s guide: OSSIM Part 2

Hope all of you are keeping well. Thank you all for the overwhelming support you people are giving me. So today we’ll deal with everything from basic OSSIM configuration to integrating different types of assets. Before we jump in to all of that I hope all of you are ready with installation. If not please visit my previous post, which is actually the first part. Beginner’s guide: OSSIM (Open Source Security Information Management) part 1 Make sure you have an active internet connection for your OSSIM. As you all know the Alienvault platform has five modules in it, which are the Asset discovery, vulnerability assessment, threat detection, behavioural monitoring and security intelligence. In simple words we add assets first, and then we’ll configure all those assets under each and every module of Alienvault respectively. If you're ready with everything mentioned in part 1, we can now move forward with the configurations. Here we’re just considering only OSSIM not USM.

Nmaping your network

A short tutorial for using NMAP 

I hear a lots of questions like, how do we scope assets, or how do I manage my asset inventory. Well the answer is NMAP. Nmap is a quite handy tool, that'll allow you to map ip address with assets, create an asset inventory, or even  a small vulnerability scans. Here we'll talk about how to run an nmap full scan, nmap all port scan or nmap specific port scan

For all those newbies out there, I’m just starting from scratch. As you all know NMAP means network mapping. This is a small tool which every pentester and network/system administrator must know. Most of my friends complain that Nmap is so vast; they don’t know how to set or why to set certain attributes before initiating a scan. To understand the working of Nmap properly, you need to how a system works in network. I’m not planning to go into core basics, but we’ll touch whatever is essential.

TCP connect scan

TCP connect scan is the commonly used default TCP scan type. The Nmap asks the host operating system (Operating system in which Nmap is installed) to establish a connection with the target machine via port by issuing the connect system call. This is the same high-level system call which is used web browsers, P2P clients, ftp, ssh and most other network based applications use to establish a connection. It is part of a socket programming interface known as the Berkeley Sockets API. Nmap uses this very same API to obtain status information of each port on each connection attempt.

-sS (TCP SYN scan)

SYN scan is the most popular scan option for good reasons. It provides quick scanning of thousands of ports per second on a very fast network. The probes are not hampered by restrictive firewalls. It is also relatively unobtrusive, very stealthy, since it never completes a full TCP handshake. SYN scan will work against any compliant TCP stack rather than depending on any specific platforms. It also allows clear, reliable differentiation between the open, closed, and filtered states.

How to Install Nmap

If you don’t have the Nmap installed then,
For windows install pcap first and download the nmap from official site

linux users simply hit the command

# yum install nmap                        (for Red Hat based systems)

$ sudo apt-get install nmap         (for Debian based systems)

An Nmap command typically has 3 parts Scan type, options and target. But its not always mandatory that we supply the command with scan type and options. In short these two attributes are optional
To do a simple scan, you need simply call Nmap and supply the target’s hostname/domainname/ipaddress or simply nmap full scan



Now answer to one of the challenging question by an admin “how do I create asset inventory”

root@attacker#nmap  -sP

This command will skip port detection and tries to find out which machine are alive. Or else you can try

root@attacker#nmap –sS –oN /root/Desktop/asset.txt
sS stands for stealth scan
oN stands for output followed by the save location is my network address with CIDR value.
Which is much deeper scan and provide accurate results.

If you are looking for all machines with a particular service running like Databases or any other web-services you can use nmap specific port scan

root@attacker#nmap –sS –p22  --open –oN /root/Desktop/service.txt

This will give a list all machines with ssh (port 22) open in my network
If there is a case in which you only need to scan few machine then, simply add the ip address as shown below

root@attacker#nmap –sS–oN /root/Desktop/maptxt

But if the ip addresses are consecutive address then, simply add the ip address as shown below

root@attacker#nmap –sS–oN /root/Desktop/maptxt

pentesters can also use –sV and –sC options for service version fingerprinting and also a basic script scan, just like a vulnerability scan.
If you already have asset list, and you want Nmap to scan only those Ip address then,

root@attacker#nmap  -iL assetlist.txt

Below I’m pasting a set of Nmap commands which will be handy for various uses.

Nmap Cheat Sheet

Scan system for OS information and Traceroute
root@attacker#nmap  -A

OS detection/ OS fingerprinting
root@attacker#nmap  -O

Nmap Firewall Detection
root@attacker#nmap  -sA

Nmap all port scan
root@attacker#nmap  -p 1-65535

Nmap fast scan
root@attacker#nmap  -F

Nmap scan by defining protocols,
root@attacker#nmap  –p T:22
for TCP port

root@attacker#nmap   -sU 22
for UDP port

Nmap scanning if, ICMP is blocked or disabled
root@attacker#nmap   -PS 22
Uses SYN packet
root@attacker#nmap   -PA 22
Uses ACK packet
root@attacker#nmap   -sN 22


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