Beginner’s guide: OSSIM Part 2

Hope all of you are keeping well. Thank you all for the overwhelming support you people are giving me. So today we’ll deal with everything from basic OSSIM configuration to integrating different types of assets. Before we jump in to all of that I hope all of you are ready with installation. If not please visit my previous post, which is actually the first part. Beginner’s guide: OSSIM (Open Source Security Information Management) part 1 Make sure you have an active internet connection for your OSSIM. As you all know the Alienvault platform has five modules in it, which are the Asset discovery, vulnerability assessment, threat detection, behavioural monitoring and security intelligence. In simple words we add assets first, and then we’ll configure all those assets under each and every module of Alienvault respectively. If you're ready with everything mentioned in part 1, we can now move forward with the configurations. Here we’re just considering only OSSIM not USM....

Jumpstart your Wireshark skills

Wireshark essential tutorial

What we are going to do?

In this post, we will start learning Wireshark from the scratch. I’ll show the menus, filters and many other options. Most of the people know about Wirehsark, but they don’t want to try it, because they simply don’t know how to write filters. My key focus will be on creating filter, not writing filters. Yes it is true, that you can make filters without learning those filter parameters. On simple words, you can use Wireshark without touching the keyboard. Those who have kali linux, they have it in Kalilinux. I’ll be using wireshark 32 bit version. I’ll concentrate on HTTP traffic throughout the tutorial. So let’s start with little bit of theory

What is Wireshark?

Wireshark is an open source packet analyzer, and it’s completely free.  It is very popular and widely used for network troubleshooting, packet analysis and communications protocol development. Wireshark is cross-platform, available in both 64 bit and 32 bit architecture. It uses the Qt widget toolkit in current releases for its user interface and uses pcap to capture packets.  It runs on all popular flavors of Linux, macOS, BSD, Solaris, some other Unix-like operating systems, and of course Microsoft Windows too. There is also a non-GUI, terminal-based version called TShark, just in case if you need to run it a Linux server or something, which is also free software.

Why Wireshark?

It doesn’t matter whether you need to perform a packet analysis or troubleshoot something on your network; Wireshark is the tool for you. Wireshark can capture packets in real time and display them in human-readable format. Wireshark is enriched with different types of filters and individual color-coding for defining individual format, errors or types and other features that let you to have deep insight into your network traffic and inspect each and every packet individually. Wireshark has become as standard for many industries and organization to have a microscopic view of packets in and out of the network.

Those who don’t have Wireshark can download it from
You can have lots of other information from the following URL

Wireshark Menus

Image shows different types of wireshark menus
There are altogether 7 sections in Wireshark. Explaining each and every option in it, needs more than just a blog post.  So I’ll just go through the essentials. If you want open a capture file, you have that open in main menu under file. Or if you want to generate a graph of packets received or sent, you can have it under statistics. You can start live capture by clicking on the shark fin in toolbar. And to stop, click on the square next to it. Then we have display filter in which we write or create filters. Those green left and right arrow works just like the windows explorer, click on left arrow to go back to previous packet and click on right arrow to next packet. And the very next icon to right arrow helps you to jump in to a specified packet number.
The packet pane shows packets captured in numerical order. If you click on a packet, that packets details will be shown on packet details pane. The packet details pane says FRAME 1, in which 1 is the packet selected in packet list pane.

The packet list pane is ordered according to tcp/ip suite (internet protocol suite). It got 5 parts, top in packet details pane is the physical layer, then link layer, internet layer , transport layer and application layer respectively.

Just below packet details pane we have packet bytes pane, which shows the hexadecimal form of the section selected in packet details pane

At the end we have the status bar which shows total number of packets, 771, then displayed packets, which defines number of packets after applying filters. Time it took to load Etc.

Wireshark color codes.

Wireshark shows packets in dfiiferent colours

Your capture in the packet list pane, will be highlighted with colors, each color has a meaning, well you’ve have the power to change it or completely disable this feature if necessary.

How to capture?

Wireshark has capability to take packets from a live stream

In Wireshark, either we can do a “Live Capture” or we can ask for Wireshark to open a capture file for us.

How to analyze? 

The filter button helps to filter packets from a stream
The traditional way of analysis to type the necessary filter in to the display filter pane. When I typed DNS is automatically filter out all my dns packets. Truth is, you don’t need to type in a filter instead you can just select one from packet detail pane and apply it as filter or choose from a set of presets.
choose from presets or pinpoint from packets
Here I’ve selected a DNS entry in packet detail pane , right clicked on it, then selected apply filter and choses my condition selected. Or else simply you can select the expression in display filter pane and select a preset.

How to follow a TCP Stream. 

right click on segment to start a tcp stream
If you would like to know full story of what machine A talked to machine B, then Stream is the option will come to use. Right click on packet and select follow > tcp stream. Then you’ll be welcomed with a new window in which you can just scroll between each window of packet sent and received as show below.
Details pane can show case each individual tcp conversation

How to perform lookups?

At this version of wireshark (2.0.2), you don’t worry about manually lookup IP address , MAC address (OUI lookup). Any packet received in wireshark will be automatically resolved. You can also the the mac address lookup has resolved the mac address of the source as Vmware and destination as TP Link.
Wireshark atumatically lookup for IP and MAC resolution

Want to see Wireshark in action?


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