This is one
of the top questions I hear at the time of a SIEM implementation. Most people
(non-technical) think that just like doing a ‘ping’ to an IP address, we can do
ping ports. Honestly, that is not possible. Then how can we actually check accessibility
to a port, well there is a way. But before we jump in to it, we need to know a
few basics about what a port is, and why we are not able to ping it.
is a port?
A port is simply a logical connection place,
where data is send in and out of a system using the TCP/IP protocols. In simple
words, a network port is a
location where information is being sent or received. While transferring data
from A to B, a port will be always associated with IP address and the protocol
(TCP/UDP) of a system and thus completes both source and destination of a
session. Port numbers are from 0 to 65535 and they are separate for both UDP
and TCP. Ports 0 to 1024 are reserved for use by certain privileged services
like 21 for ftp 22 for ssh 23 for telnet etc.
What is a ping?
Most people don’t even know that the term ‘ping’
is the abbreviated form of Packet
InterNet Groper. It is a simple utility which is commonly used to verify
whether or not the packet from a system is capable of being sent across network
to destination without any errors. Ping simply works like a radar/sonar which
sends a signal and waits for the reply. The radar/sonar calculates the round
trip time of the signal sent in order to calculate distance to the object. The
ping works somewhat same like the sonar/radar instead of some signal it sends
ICMP Echo request (32 byes in windows, 64 bytes in Linux by default) and waits for the Echo reply. On receiving the
echo reply it shows the round trip delay and the TTL value. The ping utility is
mainly used for checking network reachability.
So why can’t we ping a port?
All of us are familiar with TCP/UDP
protocols. ICMP is also a protocol, just like TCP and UDP. According to the
TCP/IP suite, the ICMP, ARP, RARP, IGMP etc. falls under the internet layer.
But all those application like FTP, Telnet, ssh etc. comes on top transport
layer, i.e the application layer, which are associated with ports. These
applications associate with ports in the application layer and then use TCP or
UDP in the transport layer to send data. Hence they only respond whenever they
have received a proper TCP/UDP requests to their respected ports. That is why
we can’t ping (ICMP) to a port. Since ICMP request only reaches till network
layer not beyond it (application layer).
can we check accessibility to a port?
The only way to check whether you can reach
to a port is by sending a proper TCP/UDP request to that port. So when an
application responds to a request, we can conclude the port is accessible. A common way is to telnet the port. But what
I’ve seen across most clients are, they have policies in firewall, desktops
etc. to prevent telnet traffic. The main concern they have is that the telnet
sends traffic over network in clear text (not encrypted), so they have chosen
ssh over telnet, which is a good recommended practice. In this blog post I’m
introducing a small, handy, portable tool known as NETCAT, which has more
features than a typical telnet.
The Netcat
The netcat is often known as the Swiss Army
Knife for hackers. It is a simple networking utility used for reading or
writing from TCP and UDP sockets using an easy to use interface. Hence, it is
very popular amongst System / Network / Security Administrators because of its
wide range of network debugging and investigation capabilities. Netcat can initiate
TCP/UDP connections and send or receive TCP/UDP packets of data. It can listen
to any arbitrary TCP/UDP ports, carry out port scanning or can even transfer
data/files from one machine to another.
The main reason why I chose netcat is
because, it stays running until either the source or destination side closes
the connection. Telnet can’t transfer
any sort of arbitrary binary data, because certain characters will be
interpreted by telnet application itself.
Those parameters are then removed from the data stream. Telnet is incapable for listening to inbound
connections. And also can’t use UDP instead.
But in other hand, our netcat doesn't have any of these limitations; it
is much faster and convenient to use when compared with telnet.
That’s much of theory; now let’s move on
how to use netcat
For demonstration purpose I’m using 3
machines here,
- Kalilinux :
- Metasploitable linux :
- Windows 7 :
Downloading Netcat
There are plenty of download links in
internet. But majority of them are malwares. Always choose trusted sources to
download. I’m quoting a link below, if you want to download netcat.
If you have nmap installed, netcat will be
also installed along with it.
Checking out the port
I’ve got plenty of port open in my
Metasploitable linux. My prime objective will be to check whether port 2121 of
metasploitable is accessible or not.
#nc 2121
All you need to do is, call netcat command with
nc followed with IP address and port number as arguments.
At first the firewall was blocking the port
so it gave me connection refused. Then I shut down the firewall and tried
again. The netcat gave me a neat response from the port, which has application
name, application version, OS of the server and the server’s IP address.
There are lots of other features/uses of
netcat. I’m adding a few below, which I feel very handy in some situations.
Banner Grabbing
Next is banner grabbing, simple way to identify
which version of web server you are running. Simply connect to port 80 of the
destination server, give a get request and hit ‘enter key’ twice
#nc 80
GET / HTTP/1.0
Chat mode
This how we run a simple chat application
between two machines running netcat. This option comes very handy when you want
to copy some serial keys, configurations to a colleague working at the other
end. A machine should listen to port first, wait for connections just like a
server, and then the second machine should connect to server. To quit from chat
hit ‘ctrl+c’
#nc –l –p 12345
l= listening mode
p= port
#nc 12345
File transfer mode
Another wonderful feature of netcat, this
comes helpful when you want to transfer a license key file, configuration file
or literally any sort of file. The setup may look bit tricky but it is easy.
First the destination should listen to a port and be should be ready to save
the contents into a file. Here my destination machine is listening to port
12345 and it will write any contents received to file.txt. A timeout of 3
seconds is given along with the source side command, so that the transfer
automatically closes in 3 seconds (assuming file transfer completes in less
than 3 seconds).
#nc -l -p 12345 > out.file
l= listening mode
p= port
Destination will begin listening on port 1234
and will save the contents to file.txt
On the source side we run,
#nc -w 3 12345 < out.file
w= timeout for connections (keeps connected
only for3 secs)
Source will copy the contents of file
‘file.txt’, and will send to port 12345, of destination
Transfer with compression
This is used mainly to transfer huge files like logs etc. Only difference is that here we call tar package to compress files for us and then send to destination. Here I have asked netcat to compress apache logs and ready with it on port 12345, on demand. On the receiving end I asked netcat to connect to same port of the source and copy the contents as a tar file
#tar c /var/log/apache2 | nc -q 10 -l -p 12345
l= listening mode
p= port
q=quit after EOF (waits for specified number of seconds and then quit)
#nc -w 10 12345 > log.tar
w= timeout for connections (keeps connected for 10 secs)
A simple method if you want to give shell
access temporarily to a person. It is also called the backdoor method, since hacker
plant netcat listening to a port so that
they can have easy access when even they want.
#nc -l -p 12345 -e /bin/bash
Opens a port a ready to send linux bash(shell)
l= listening mode
p= port
e= program to execute
#nc 12345
Netcat connects to the backdoor.
#nc.exe -l –p 12345 –e cmd.exe –d
l= listening mode
p= port
e= program to execute
d=detach from console or background mode
#nc 12345
Netcat connects to the backdoor.
Port Scanner
Net cat can also be used as a quick port
scanner if necessary.
#nc –v –n –w 2 –z 1-1024
v=verbose mode
n=numeric-ip only
w= timeout for connections (keeps connected
for 2 secs per port)
z=zero-i/o mode used for scanning.
Please follow the link to see netcat in action
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